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International Congress




Dear Colleagues!

According to the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2021-2023  «Creation of a joint digital educational environment of higher educational institutions as part of the modernization of the pedagogical education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan» under the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Grant financing of scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2023-2025»  Within the framework of the grant project M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz University International Congress «DIGITAL COLLABORATION IN EDUCATION: INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY AND METHODOLOGY»  on April 10, 2025.

The purpose of the International Congress is to define the modern trends of professional training of pedagogical personnel in the digital society; identification of modern trends of distance learning; revealing the meaning of digital technologies that increase the quality of education in the critical context of the 21st century; study of the innovative practices of the world's best universities in the preparation of teaching staff.

Areas of work of the International Congress:

1) Continuing teacher education: modern problems and prospects.

2) Transformation of digital education: digital platforms and technologies.

3) Digital teacher in a collaborative educational environment: world experience, innovative methodology.

4) Artificial intelligence technologies: development trends and new opportunities.         


During the International Congress it is planned to organize author's courses of domestic and foreign scientists, master classes of teachers-innovators, psychological and pedagogical trainings and exhibition of innovative products.


International Congress are organized in the following format:

- plenary session: reports, adoption of the resolution of the International Congress;

- author's courses by famous Russian and foreign scholars;

- psychological and pedagogical trainings, master classes of pedagogical innovators;

- online master-classes;

- breakout sessions;

- presentation of innovative products;

- an exhibition of pedagogical innovations of educational institutions participating in pedagogical readings.


To the International Congress are invited to:

- Heads, trainers-methodologists of Nazarbayev intellectual schools, Center for Pedagogical excellence DBBU, «Nazarbayev University», JSC NCPD «Orleu»;

- Directors, coaches-teachers of «Nazarbayev intellectual schools», branches of the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of «DDBU» and JSC NCPD «Orleu»;

- Leaders of pedagogical universities and colleges, scientists-educators, future teachers, undergraduates and doctoral students;

- Leaders, methodologists and teachers-innovators of secondary general education schools.


The working languages of the International Congress are Kazakh, Russian, and English.

The Organizing Committee plans to publish a collection of materials of International Congress. To be included in the program of the conference it is necessary to send to the address of the organizing committee dulatukongrecсThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. article and application form for participation in the International Congress. Articles are accepted in paper and electronic version. When forwarding by e-mail in the «Theme» section of the e-mail indicate:

«To Dulaty International Congress from ______ (name of speaker)». The text of the report and the application form for participation are provided in one file, the name of which should be the name of the author: if there are several authors, then the name of the author who paid the registration fee. For example, for the participant S.Zh. Bisenova, the file name can be in the following form: Bisenova.doc or Bisenova.rtf.

The decision on the publication of materials is made by the expert committee.

Articles and materials for participation in competitions are accepted until March 25, 2025.

Participants of International Congress will receive special certificates, and winners will be awarded diplomas of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree.

Participants of International Congress will be provided with:

- program of pedagogical readings;

- certificates for participation in pedagogical readings;

- SPECIAL CERTIFICATES of international level for participation in the work of author's courses of famous Russian and foreign scientists;

- collection of International Congress;                                                                                                                                                           


The sequence of placement of the article materials:

  1. The UDC index is placed in the upper left corner of the first page.
  2. 2. The title of the article.
  3. Information about the authors (not more than two authors): full names of the authors (indicating scientific degrees, titles, positions), name of the organization and its location (if it does not follow from the name of the organization), e-mail of one of the authors.
  4. Abstract in 2 languages: (no more than 100 words) purpose, objectives, research results and brief conclusions. If the article is submitted in a foreign language, then in Kazakh and English it is necessary to submit: the title of the article, full name of the authors, abstract, keywords (at the end of the article).
  5. Key words (5-10 words)
  6. Text of the article taking into account the following requirements.
  7. Bibliography (list of used literature sources).

Requirements for the text of the article

  1. The text of the article and the registration form must be typed in the text editor WORD, font «Times New Roman», font size of the topic and the main text, font size - 14, the interval - single, without hyphenation, top margin - 20 mm, left - 20 mm, right - 20 mm and bottom 20 mm. The title of the article IN CAPITAL LETTERS (BOLD).
  2. The volume of the article should be no less than 4 pages and no more than 6 pages (including figures), A4 format, the indicated volume should include the text of the article, list of references, tables and figures.
  3. The pages of the article must be numbered.
  4. Numbering of formulas in the article is continuous.
  5. References to sources are recommended in the article. The list of sources is designed in the form of a list of references, designed according to SEST P 7.0.5-2008. References to sources in the text are given in square brackets. The list of references has a continuous numbering, which is given in the order of mentioning sources in the text. References to electronic media are allowed.
  6. Figures and tables must be made qualitatively. In the collection all figures are reproduced in black and white.
  7. Brief information about the authors (up to 15 lines) must be placed after the main article. The information must include the author's field of scientific interests, place of work, position, contact information (phone, e-mail).
  8. Non-compliance with the rules of preparation of materials may increase the publication time or be grounds for refusal of publication.
  9. All works are checked for anti-plagiarism from March 26 to March 31, the required level - originality of at least 75%. Works that have not passed the check are not allowed for publication.
  10. Organizing Committee reserves the right to select, check for anti-plagiarism and editing.
  11. Articles and competitive works are accepted via e-mail dulatukongrecсThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until March 25, 2025.
  12. The name of the files in the electronic version should be in the following form: «Bisenova_application.doc», «Bisenova_stub.doc», «Bisenova_article.doc», «Bisenova_presentation.ppt(x)», «Bisenova_contest.doc».
  13. The authors of the articles are responsible for the accuracy of facts, quotations, names and other information.



To participate in the International Congress, you must complete the application form by March 5, 2025:

Information about the author



Surname, first name, patronymic (in full)



Academic degree, academic rank (if any)



Place of work, position



Phone (with international access code), e-mail



Name of the article






Necessary facilities



The necessity of booking a hotel room (yes/no)




(«Dulaty University, International Congress»)

E-mail: dulatukongrecсThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



BUZAUBAKOVA Klara Dzhaidarbekovna - 8 705 720 18 56

BUPETAEVA Saule Zhakipovna - 8 775 404 84 50

USHAKBAEVA Kamshat Rakhymberdievna – 8 701 083 55 33

Office phones: 8(7262) 42 63 91; 8(7262) 52 67 99


                                                                                      ORGANIZING COMMITTEE